New in our line: Marechal plugs and sockets
Because of their many advantages, we decided to expand our line by adding Marechal plugs and sockets, and you will soon be able to find them on our website.
What you as a user will certainly perceive is a significant difference in price and delivery period.
Furthermore, the practical possibilities are much more extensive. For example, Marechal is the only supplier who can offer a connection plug and built-in socket for 63A. For other brands this is limited to 32A. This means that now you can also obtain an extension cable for 63A for temporary work site installations in Ex zones.
Thanks to the special plug pins, a degree of protection of IP66 is guaranteed.
This equipment is built up from components, as a result of which different combinations can be formed.
A female socket module can be used in 6 different ways:
- built-in socket
- built-in socket 30° or 70° (in combination with collar)
- surface mount socket 30° or 70° (in combination with wall box)
- connection plug (in combination with grip)
Besides the 20A to 200A range, Marechal also offers a compact model (which however is limited to 10A).
Furthermore, the multi-pole series is also available: 11P+PE, 24P+PE, 36P+PE.